Inside and out, a new coat of paint will make your home look fresh and clean. Consider choosing a new colour palette to create a completely different feel.Lighten Up
Improving your home’s lighting system will enhance your home’s liveability and value. Indoors, consider task-lighting fixtures and lamps in specific areas. Outdoors, install low-voltage landscape lighting, as well as security lighting, to make your home more welcoming, functional and attractive.
Improve Your Landscape
Good landscaping makes a home look finished and well-kept. Choose plants that make you smile for their beauty or scent, arranging them to accent your home’s good features and to hide it’s blemishes.
Enhance Your Entry
Give your main entry door a facelift by replacing ho-hum hardware with a glimmering new lockset, deadbolt and doorknocker. Deliver a knockout punch by painting your door an accent colour; vibrant red, green or blue look great!
Give Your Tiles A Treat
Grout in tile can get discoloured with stain or mildew. Scrubbing tile with a mild bleach solution will help make it look new again.
Bring In The Sky
There’s nothing like a skylight to bring natural light into a room. Adding a skylight can create a great impact, but with far less hassle and expense then remodelling an entire room.